Saturday, January 24, 2015

Seminar Material

Materials used in the seminar on 14 Jan. 2015 is now downloadable from here (jump to outside of this site).

Monday, January 19, 2015

Seminar on Integrated Solid Waste Management on 14 Jan 2015

The seminar on Integrated Solid Waste Management was held at Melia Hotel, Hanoi on 14th January, 2015. JICA Expert Team and Project advisers made presentations and about 150 participants attended the seminar for sharing the progress of the project and discussing solutions of the issues shared in the first workshop held on 8th August, 2014. Also, Co-learning Study Session was organized by inviting some provinces and discussing data collection system, legal issues, and contents of master plan in Thua Thien Hue as a model province. 

The seminar was summarized by Construction Television in MOC as the link below. Please click and see the outline.

 Opening Speech by Dr. Nguyen Hong Tien, Director of ATI, MOC

Opening Speech by Mr. Fumihiko Okiura, Senior Representative, JICA Vietnam

 Progress of Project by Mr. Hideki Wada, Team leader of the Project

 Upstream of ISWM and source separation trend by Dr. Kosuke Kawai, Project Advisor

 Downstream of ISWM and technology trend by Dr. Masato Yamada, Project Advisor

 Trigger to innovative SWM in Tokyo by Prof. Fujii, Project Advisor


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Seminar on integrated solid waste management - Worldwide trend of solid waste management and the applicability in Vietnam

MOC and JICA Vietnam will organize the seminar on Integrated solid waste management - Worldwide trend of solid waste management and the applicability in Vietnam on 14th January 2015, at Melia Hanoi Hotel.
Please jump to here to see the agenda of the seminar.

Only 5 seats for private sector are available now!  
If you would like to register to attend the seminar, please contact by 12th January 2015:
Vietnam Waste Project Office, Ms. Ngo Thi Lan Phuong 
TEL: 04-3974-1712 / 0982.517.519  FAX: 04-3974-1512          

2 Weeks Training Course in Japan

Practical training course in Japan on 16-29 Nov, 2014

Lecture by Prof. Yoshida, JICA

Lecture by Ministry of the Environment

Lecture by Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry

 Site visit to domestic waste collection site in Chigasaki city 

Site visit to landfill site in Chigasaki city

Site visit to transfer station for composting site by Watami Ecology Co., Ltd.

Site visit to Sai no Kuni Resource Recycling Factory

Lecture by Osato Municipal Association and site visit to the incinerator

1 Week Training Course in Japan

Training course for policy makers on 2-8 Nov, 2014

Lecture by Prof. Yoshida, JICA

With experts from Ministry of the Environment

Lecture by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Site Visit to Tokyo Super Eco Town Project

Site visit to Chuo Clean Factory