Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Meeting for reporting the result of the Pre-FS for Hanoi City

Today, we had the meeting to report the result of the Pre-FS to the counterparts of Hanoi City. Also, the draft Progress Report 2 was shared with them.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Materials of the HCMC seminar on 15th Jan. 2016

The materials used in the seminar in HCMC on 15th January 2016 can be downloaded here (to be jumped outside of this site).

Monday, January 18, 2016

Seminar in HCMC on 15th January 2016

Seminar for capacity development of integrated solid waste management toward effective management and sustainable development was successfully ended in Hotel Continental Saigon, HCMC on 15th January 2016. Materials of seminar will be posted soon.

Introduction by Ms. Dang Anh Thu, 
Head of Solid Waste Management Department, ATI, MOC
Opening remarks by Ms. Dao To Cam, JICA Vietnam Office
Opening speech, Activities of VWP, 
by Dr. Tran Anh Tuan, Vice Director of ATI, MOC
Presentation by Mr. Hideki Wada, Leader of JET
Presentation by Dr. Nguyen Trung Thang, ISPONRE, MONRE 
Presentation by Mr. Nguyen Khanh Long, 
Vice Head of Solid Waste Management Department, ATI, MOC
Presentation by Dr. Nguyen Trung Viet, Climate Change Office of HCMC, DONRE
Presentation by Mr. Nguyen Anh Khoa, Head of Economic Technical Infrastructure, 
Economic Construction Institute, MOC
Presentation by Mr. Hironori Koyama, JET

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Project seminar will hold on 15th Jan in HCMC

Seminar for capacity development of integrated solid waste management toward effective management and sustainable development, co-hosted by MOC and JICA Vietnam will be held on 15th January, 2016 at Hotel Continental Saigon, HCMC.
Please see agenda for the seminar here