Friday, October 28, 2016

Progress of Project 2 in Thua Thien Hue Province

Based on the field survey including interviews with the personnel of the organizations, 
we selected the following pilot sites for Project 2 (installation of Drop-off system).
  •   HEPCO (Hue Urban Environment and Public Works Limited Company)
  •   La Residence hotel
  •   Nguyen Tri Phuong secondary school
  •   Ben Ngu market
  •   HCC office building
  •   DOC (Department of Construction)


Meeting at La Residence hotel

Meeting with the director and students in the school

Food area (Ben Ngu market)

We will install the facilities next month

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Explanation meeting for Project 1

We had explanation meeting about Project 1 (community based compost) for the residents in Huong Xuan ward, Thua Thien Hue province.

Opening remarks by Mr. Hong, (Chairperson of Farmer Association in Huong Xuan ward)

Greeting by JET (Mr. Koyama)

Explanation of the activity by Ms. Quynh

The residents in the meeting

Productive questions and opinions from the residents

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Progress of Project 2 in Thua Thien Hue province

For Project 2 (Promotion of source separation through collaboration with businesses) in Thua Thien Hue Province, we visited several organizations and discussed the feasibility of the Projects in Aug and Sep, 2016. 

Current condition (Quoc Hoc high School)

Discussion with staff and current situation (Nguyen Tri Phuong secondary school)

Current situation (An Cuu market)

Food area (Ben Ngu market)

Office building

Meeting with DOC

Current situation of hazardous waste (La residence)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Progress of Project 1 in Thua Thien Hue

Project 1 on community based compost in Thua Thien Hue Province, we explained to local pertinent authorities and the village leaders what to do in the project on 7th and 10th Oct, 2016.

Explaining to Mr. Tuan (Vice director of Agriculture Corporative  in Quang Tho Commune)

Meeting with Mr. Vinh (Village leader of Xuan thap village, Huong Xuan ward), 
Mr. Duc, (Vice Chairperson of People committee in Huong Xuan ward),
and Mr. Hong, (Chairperson of Farmer Association in Huong Xuan ward)

The facilities including compost bins are under preparation now. 

Field survey for Project 1 in Thua Thien Hue

Project 1 on community based compost in Thua Thien Hue Province, we selected 11 candidates which was recommended by the concerned authorities such as Department of Agriculture and Department of construction in Huong Tra town, Quand Dien District and Phu Vang district.
We screened the candidates into 5 sites based on our criteria.

Current situation of waste collection (Quang Thanh commune)

Gathering site near local market (Quan Tho commune)

House garden (Huong Xuan ward)

Former compost facility (Phu Duong commune)

Based on the field survey including interviews with the leaders, 
we selected two villages as pilot sites on community-based compost.
-          In Xuan Thap village, Huong Xuan ward, Huong Tra Town
-          In Tan Xuan Lai village, Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien District

Monday, October 3, 2016

"Waste Treatment Facility Development Plan" for Hanoi City

On 27th Sep, we started to formulate the plan by the presentation of Mr. Sato, VWP.